March 12, 2018
1. Opening Business
a. Approval of the Agenda
b. Approval of the Minutes of the previous meeting
c. Good News Report: Lakewood wins Inspiring Curiosity Contest, Alivia Irwin won grand prize in Jim Claypool Conservation Art Contest, Yonnie Marshman received first-runner up and Riley Pike was second runner-up in the art contest, Preston Meredith earned fifth place in social studies at Regional Governor's Cup, Storybook Sock hop Parent Involvement Night, Dr. Suess birthday celebration event, Jennifer Wilcox wrote an article for Kentucky Teacher magazine
d. Public Comment
2. Student Achievement Report/Data
a. Spring MAP Testing Window
3. Planning
a. Council Leadership--Invitation to Volunteer Banquet
b. Bylaw or Policy Review
4. Budget Report
5. Committee Reports
e. Assessment Committee Minutes--none available at this time
f. Curriculum and Instruction Committee Minutes--none available at this time
6. New Business
a. Staffing Allocations 2018-19
b. Draft Budget 2018-19
c. Family Resource Center Report
c. Family Resource Center Report