Parent and Family Engagement Policy and School Compact

Lakewood Elementary

Parent and Family Engagement Policy


We realize that the parent is the child’s first and most important teacher and that the parent’s continued involvement is essential for the success of the child.  Therefore, Lakewood Elementary School is committed to building a strong parent-school partnership.  To support the parent-school partnership, the following policies were designed with meaningful consultation from parents.

  1. At the beginning of each school year, a school-parent compact, developed through parent and staff input, will be distributed asking parents and students to commit to a partnership with the school.

  2. An annual parent meeting will be held at which parents of all students will be invited.  The contents of the annual meeting will consist of information pertaining to the school-wide program and activities provided with Title I funds.  This meeting will also serve as part of the comprehensive range of opportunities for parents to become informed, in a timely way, about how the program will be designed, operated, and evaluated, allowing opportunities for parental participation, so that parents and educators can work together to achieve the program’s objectives.  A school advisory council, consisting of five parents and a Title I staff member will work with all programs in the school to implement the Title I program within the total school program.  

  3. Parent involvement activities will be provided.  The purpose and content of parent involvement activities will be:

  • To make parents aware of the importance of parental involvement requirements, other relevant provisions of the program and to receive input from the parents concerning the manner in which the school and parents can work together to achieve the program’s objectives;

  • To provide accessibility for parents to teachers, Title I staff and other educational personnel;

  • To provide information regarding the school curriculum and to welcome parents to observe the total school program;

  • To provide opportunities for parent-teacher conferences to discuss the student’s progress, placement, and methods the parent can use to complement the child’s instruction;

  • To discuss ways the school staff can best provide information, programs, and activities in effective language and format that is understandable by all participants; 

  • To provide support to parents through training and services;

  • To provide information concerning the Kentucky Summative Assessment (KSA) state mandated assessment process; and

  • To provide information on the processes and research-based strategies utilized by Lakewood teachers.

  1. Appropriate training will be provided to all staff members to increase the effectiveness of the partnership between home and school.  The training will be in the form of workshops, professional development sessions, conferences, and or faculty meetings.

  2. The Title I staff will coordinate parent activities with other groups such as Extended School and the Family Resource Center.

  3. Parents will be provided with ongoing communication through progress reports depending on the grade level.

  4. At the end of each school year, the Title I staff will meet with the parents of the School Advisory Council to assess and discuss the effectiveness of the parent involvement program and to discuss how the next year’s program will be designed, operated, and evaluated.  In addition, parents will be surveyed at the end of each year to provide input into the program.

Those results will be used in developing the next year’s program.


School-Family Compact

The staff at Lakewood feels that a partnership between the school and home is essential in providing the best education for each of our students.  In an effort to strengthen this partnership, a school-family compact focusing on the Great 8 Work Ethic standards has been developed with input from parents and teachers.  As our staff commits to the compact, we are asking for each child, along with his or her parent/guardian to commit to this partnership as well.  Below is the compact, signed by our principal, Title I coordinator, and your child’s classroom teacher.  We ask that you and your child sign and commit to the parent and student portion of the compact.  

As staff members of Lakewood:

  • Standard #1: Attendance and Tardiness-We will work hard to arrive at school on time and miss very few (if any) days of school. We will work hard to avoid repeated tardies and absences.

  • Standard #2: Personal Responsibility and Accountability-We will clearly communicate and implement our school discipline standards and classroom behavior guidelines consistently. We will quickly and respectfully address behavior corrections and will model cooperative behavior, a sincere service attitude, and responsibility for one’s own actions.

  • Standard #3: Academic Performance- We will clearly communicate academic expectations and provide high-quality instruction in a supportive learning environment. We will promote students’ future by encouraging students to work hard, have self-discipline, and apply their skills and talents in a productive manner. 

  • Standard #4: Work Habits and Persistence- We will model strong work habits and a high level of determination. We will model and encourage our students to stick with a job until it is completed correctly.

  • Standard #5: Punctuality, Preparedness, and Organization-We will be punctual, prepared, and organized for our students. We will model arriving at school on time and having all of the materials we need for class while approaching our work in an organized fashion. 

  • Standard #6: Respectful Interactions/Communication-We will be respectful, polite, and considerate of other people and their property. We will model listening and communicating clearly, effectively, and professionally.

  • Standard #7: Cooperation and Teamwork- We will work cooperatively with others to problem solve, work together to complete tasks, and handle conflicts professionally. We will model accepting our role as leaders/team members and doing what we can to help get things done.

  • Standard #8: Community Service-We will help our students get involved in service projects that help people in our community.

______________________________     ______________________________        _______________________________ 

Principal’s Signature                                     Classroom Teacher’s Signature                   Title I Coordinator’s Signature

As parents:

  • Standard #1: Attendance and Tardiness-We will work hard to ensure that our children arrive at school on time and miss very few (if any) days of school. We will work hard to avoid repeated tardies and absences.

  • Standard #2: Personal Responsibility and Accountability-We will instruct and encourage our children to meet discipline standards consistently, follow classroom behavior guidelines, respond quickly and respectfully to behavior corrections, cooperate in class, display a sincere service attitude, and demonstrate responsibility for their own actions.

  • Standard #3: Academic Performance- We will support our children at home to perform at or above their grade level by encouraging them to work hard and be dedicated to promoting their future. 

  • Standard #4: Work Habits and Persistence- We will model strong work habits and a high level of determination for our children. We will model and encourage our children to stick with a job until it is completed correctly.

  • Standard #5: Punctuality, Preparedness, and Organization-We will help our children to be punctual, prepared, and organized. We will make sure our children arrive at school on time, have all of the materials they need for class, and help them approach their work in an organized fashion. 

  • Standard #6: Respectful Interactions/Communication- We will teach our children to be respectful, polite, and considerate of other people and their property. We will model listening and communicating clearly, effectively, and professionally for our children.

  • Standard #7: Cooperation and Teamwork- We will work cooperatively with school staff and others to problem solve, work together to complete tasks, and handle conflict professionally. We will encourage our children to accept their role as leaders/team members and do what we can to help get things done.

  • Standard #8: Community Service-We will encourage and help our children get involved in service projects that help people in our community.

As a student:

  • Standard #1: Attendance and Tardiness- I will work hard to miss very few (if any) days of school and avoid repeated tardies and absences. I will build the habit of arriving at school on time daily.

  • Standard #2: Personal Responsibility and Accountability-I will meet discipline standards consistently, follow classroom behavior guidelines, respond quickly and respectfully to behavior corrections, cooperate in class, display a sincere service attitude, and demonstrate responsibility for my own actions.

  • Standard #3: Academic Performance-I will perform at or above my grade level. I will work hard and be dedicated to promoting my own future. I will demonstrate self-discipline and apply my skills and talents in a productive manner.

  • Standard #4: Work Habits and Persistence-I will demonstrate strong work habits, a high level of determination, and stick with a job until it is completed correctly.

  • Standard #5: Punctuality, Preparedness and Organization-I will be punctual, prepared, and organized by getting to class on time, having all of the materials I need for class, and approaching my work in an organized fashion.

  • Standard #6: Respectful Interactions/Communication-I will be respectful, polite, and considerate of other people and their property. I will listen and communicate clearly, effectively, and professionally.

  • Standard #7: Cooperation and Teamwork-I will work cooperatively with others to problem solve, work together to complete projects, and handle conflicts professionally. I will accept my role as a leader and team member and do what I can to help get things done.

  • Standard #8: Community Service-I will get involved in service projects that help people in my community.

___________________________      ___________________________     ___________________________

Parent/Guardian Signature           Parent/Guardian Signature           Student Signature

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