Extracurricular Programs Policy


We support extracurricular programs based on the following criteria:
·         Contribution to students becoming “self-sufficient individuals of good character exhibiting the qualities of altruism, citizenship, courtesy, honesty, human worth,  justice, knowledge, respect, responsibility and self discipline;
·         Contribution to students becoming “responsible members of a family, work group, or community, including demonstrating effectiveness in community service.”
·         Ability to arrange suitable adult supervision, a faculty sponsor, and funds;
·         Generate and maintain student interest as well as attract students currently not involved in extracurricular or service projects
·         The students must be enrolled in the Lakewood academic program of studies.
We will provide various extra-curricular programs and leadership opportunities to meet the interests and needs of individual students enhancing the well being of each child, to include Sharpen the Saw clubs.
Students will be eligible to participate in extracurricular activities if:
·         They were in attendance at school during the school day in question (unless approved by the principal)
·         They meet any requirements set by the sponsoring organization including academic requirements
·         They will comply with rules established by the adult coach or sponsor for the activity
We will approve additional extracurricular activities based on their ability to meet the criteria listed above.  Students will be eligible to participate in extracurricular activities based on their ability to meet the criteria listed above.
Each extracurricular activity will be led by an adult sponsor who meets the criteria established by any applicable sponsoring organization.  The coach or sponsor will be responsible for supervising all students while they are participating in the activity, including preparation and travel time.  The principal will assign coaches and sponsors from our school’s current staff.

We will evaluate the implementations and impact of our extracurricular programs through our Comprehensive School Improvement Planning process.

Adopted August 2015

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