Curriculum Policy

Curriculum Policy

Curriculum guidelines
Our curriculum will:
  1. Be aligned vertically and horizontally with Kentucky Core Academic standards for all subjects — English/Language Arts (including Writing); Math; Science; Social Studies; Practical Living and Career Studies; and Arts and Humanities, and designed to help all students master that content.
  2. Be revised, if needed, based on school needs assessment through the program review process, improvement planning process, professional learning communities, or analysis of student results.
  3. Provide equitable access to a common academic core for all students.
  4. Provide links to continuing education, life, and career options.
  5. Reflect the strategies adopted in our School Improvement Plan.

Teacher Role
All teachers will:
  1. Disseminate the curriculum expectations for their classes to students in an age-appropriate way and to all parents.
  2. Teach the state standards assigned for their particular area or areas.
  3. Be prepared to contribute to discussions of needed changes in the curriculum.

Principal Role
The principal will:
  1. Ensure that copies of the curriculum standards and expectations for the school are available for parent review.
  2. Meet with each new teacher to review this policy and the sections of the curriculum that apply to that teacher’s assignment.
  3. At staff meetings in January and May, hold discussions with the staff on possible curriculum revisions and report to the Curriculum Committee on the results of those discussions.

Curriculum Revision
The Curriculum Committee will be responsible for making any needed recommendations to the council on curriculum revisions when one or more of the following events occur:
  1. State officials modify the KERA Goals, the Academic Expectations, the Kentucky Core Academic Standards.
  2. District leaders or working groups modify district curriculum documents.
  3. Our School Improvement Planning process identifies a need for adjustments.
  4. Other schools in our district identify a need for changes in their curriculum or in ours that could alter our vertical articulation, create curriculum gaps, or allow unintended overlaps and redundancy.
  5. During staff discussions, one or more teachers at our school identify a weakness or opportunity for improvement that needs to be addressed to ensure success for all students.
  6. Other stakeholder input or data demonstrate a need to do so.


We will evaluate the effectiveness of this policy through our School Improvement Planning Process.

Date Adopted:  October 2015

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