Lakewood Elementary
January 9, 2023
1. Opening Business
a. Approval of the Agenda
b. Approval of the Minutes of the previous meeting
c. Good News Report: Two STLP groups were invited to compete at state competition, the BETA Club Quiz Bowl team qualified to compete at state competition
d. Public Comment
2. Student Achievement Report/Data
a. i-Ready Testing Window Open
3. Planning
a. Council Leadership
b. Bylaw or Policy Review
5. Committee Reports
b. Curriculum and Instruction Committee Minutes--No December meeting
c. Efficiency Committee Minutes--No December meeting
d. Assessment Committee Minutes--No December meeting
e. Learning Environment Committee Minutes--Writing Folder checks
6. New Business
a. Consult to Hire: Jessica Grace Sullivan, Primary Teacher
b. Consult to Hire: Krystal Dailey, Instructional Assistant