February 13, 2023
1. Opening Business
a. Approval of the Agenda
b. Approval of the Minutes of the previous meeting
c. Good News Report: BETA Club Quiz Bowl Team going to the national competition, Happy Camper STEM Night, Governor's Cup District Competition: 2nd place quick recall, Hume Sportsmanship Award, 4 students placed in assessments
d. Public Comment
2. Student Achievement Report/Data
a. i-Ready Winter Data
1. Diagnostic Growth
a. Reading
b. Math
2. Diagnostic Results
a. Reading
b. Math
3. Planning
a. Council Leadership
b. Bylaw or Policy Review
5. Committee Reports
6. New Business
b. Staffing Allocations 2023-24 (See Efficiency Committee Minutes-February)
c. Approval to Hire: Chelsea Roberts, preschool assistant
d. Approval to Hire: Sandra Miller, preschool assistant