Friday, June 7, 2024

June 2024 Agenda

 June 11, 2024-Location TBD

1. Opening Business
a. Approval of the Agenda    
b. Approval of the Minutes Minutes of the previous meeting    
c. Good News Report: Field day, end of year awards  ceremonies/graduations
d. Public Comment

2. Student Achievement Report/Data
     a. PBIS Year-End Report 
3. Planning    
a. Council Leadership-Newly re-elected parent members-Stephanie Brothers and Renee Williams; all members completing SBDM update training this summer

4. Budget Report-Budget Report

5. Committee Reports   
     a. Accident Report-Accident Report
     b. Learning Environment Committee-no minutes
     c. Efficiency Committee-no minutes
     d. Curriculum and Instruction Committee-no minutes
     e. Assessment Committee--no minutes, checked writing portfolios

6. New Business    
     a. 2024-2025 Student-Parent Handbook
     b. Approval to hire Brooke French as office registrar
     c. Approval to hire Kelli Miller as PASS coach