Monday, July 15, 2024

July 15, 2024

 1. Opening Business

    a. Approval of the Agenda
    b. Approval of the Minutes of the previous meeting
    c. Good News Report: South End summer camp, lots of new 
    students enrolling and transferring
    d. Public Comment

2. Student Achievement Report/Data

3. Planning
    a.  Council Leadership-Member training is being completed. 
    b.  Bylaw/Policy Review-See blog

4. Budget Reports-July budget
5. Committee Reports
6. New Business
    a. Set Schedule and Council Member Roles for 2024-2025  
        SBDM  meetings 
    b. SBDM Member Requirements 
    c. 2024-2025 ESS Calendar
    d. 2024-2025 ESS budget
    e. Approval to hire Meghan Conway as preschool assistant
    f. Approval to hire Ashley Taylor as PASS assistant
 7. Adjournment