Monday, May 13, 2024

May 2024

 1. Opening Business

a. Approval of the Agenda    
b. Approval of the Minutes of the previous meeting        
c. Good News Report: Distinguished Dinner, Fitness meet, preschool graduation, KSA testing complete
d. Public Comment

2. Student Achievement Report/Data
a. i-Ready Data--Growth Reports
    1. Reading
    2. Math

3. Planning    
a. Council Leadership
    1. 23-24 SBDM Members: Lori Howlett, Sara Ice, Kathie Hamilton; parent election are being 
        completed by the end of school     
    3. SBDM Training Options 24-25
        -June 11-8:30 a.m.-Central office; other options
b. Bylaw or Policy Review  

4. Budget Report
      a. April 2024

5.  Committee Reports   
      b. Curriculum and Instruction Committee-No meeting
      c. Efficiency Committee --No Meeting
      d. Learning Environment Committee Minutes-No meeting
      e. Assessment Committee Minutes-No meeting

6. New Business    

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