Committees Policy




There will be four SBDM standing committees with the following names and jurisdiction:

Curriculum and Instruction Committee

  • Review and revise the SBDM policies on Improvement Planning and Technology Use.  Draft revisions for council approval/adoption if necessary. 

  • Involving as many stakeholder ideas and opinions as possible, coordinate school needs assessments including necessary surveys and other data collection.

  • Coordinate the development and implementation of the School Improvement Plan including working with component teams and overseeing the development and implementation of the Professional Development Plan.

  • Ensure that the council is kept informed through Implementation and Impact Checks on the Plan.

  • Recommend plans for the best use of technology based on needs assessments.

  • Recommend other changes, ideas, and strategies to assigned policies based on annual needs assessments, data gathering, and research into best practice.

  • Review and revise the SBDM policies on Curriculum, Writing, Instructional Practices, Homework, and School Day and Week Schedule.  Draft revisions for council approval/adoption if necessary.

  • Analyze curriculum alignment with the state standards and recommend changes.

  • Recommend changes to the writing program/policy when appropriate.

  • Research and recommend instructional best practice ideas and innovations.

  • Research homework best practices and recommend changes.

  • Recommend other changes, ideas, and strategies to assigned policies based on annual needs assessments, data gathering, and research into best practice.

  • Additional roles/charges as assigned by the council

Assessment Committee

  • Review and revise the SBDM policies on Alignment with State Standards, Enhancing Student Achievement, Student Assignment, and Classroom Assessment.  Draft revisions for council approval/adoption if necessary.

  • Organize the KPREP data analysis every fall including reports to the Council.

  • Recommend school priority needs based on test analysis data.

  • Develop the state testing prep and reward plan each year.

  • Recommend assignment of student procedures.

  • Recommend classroom assessment ideas based on new research

  • Recommend other changes, ideas, and strategies to assigned policies based on annual needs assessments, data gathering, and research into best practice.

  • Additional roles/charges as assigned by the council.

Learning Environment Committee

  • Review and revise policies on Extracurricular Programs, Wellness, and Parent Involvement.  

  • Recommend extra curricular program changes and ideas.

  • Recommend parental involvement activities and strategies.

  • Additional roles/charges as assigned by the council.

Efficiency Committee

  • Review and revise the SBDM policies on Budget and Spending and Program Appraisal.  Draft revisions for council approval/adoption if necessary.

  • Develop, recommend, and monitor the annual budget and allocation of resources according to identified needs of the school.

  • Recommend budget adjustments.

  • Ensure that the council is kept informed with monthly budget reports.

  • Recommend other changes, ideas, and strategies to assigned policies based on annual needs assessments, data gathering, and research into best practice.

  • Review and revise the SBDM policies on Discipline, Classroom Management and Safety Plan, School Space Use, and Instructional and Non-Instructional Staff Time Assignment Draft revisions for council approval/adoption if necessary.

  • Recommend discipline, classroom management, and safety changes based on annual needs assessments and data gathering.

  • Recommend use of school space ideas.

  • Recommend other changes, ideas, and strategies to assigned policies based on annual needs assessments, data gathering, and research into best practice.

  • Additional roles/charges as assigned by the council

NOTE:  The SBDM Council will be responsible for reviewing and revising (if necessary) its Bylaws and three policies:  the Committee Policy, the Consultation Policy, and the Principal Selection Policy.


All members of the faculty will serve on at least one standing committee.  SBDM teacher reps are exempt but may serve on a standing committee by choice.  Each standing committee will have grade level (or department) representation and include at least six members.  Committees will also make every effort to include at least one parent and to provide reasonable representation of the ethnic diversity of our community.

Beginning in March, the following steps will be taken to recruit members for next year’s committees:


  1. The principal (or principal’s designee) will invite all parents in writing to sign up for committees via the PTA Newsletter (or attachment to report card, letter home to parents, etc.).

  2. Current committee chairs (or their designees) will describe their committees’ work at a PTA meeting and a meeting of certified and classified staff called by the principal.

  3. Council and committee members will individually and actively seek out parents and other interested community members who are representative of the diversity of our community and encourage their active participation on school council committees.


  1. The principal (or principal’s designee) will place committee sign-up sheets in a designated place that is convenient to staff and parents.  These sign up sheets will include the name of each committee, the name of the current chair and a brief description of each committee’s jurisdiction as outlined in the first section of this policy.  Parents and community members may also sign up by telephone or letter.  The person who takes the message or opens the letter will add the parent name to the sign-up sheet.


  1. The council will appoint committee members using the sign-up sheets as a basis.  The council may need to assign some people to committees that are not their first choice to give each committee adequate and balanced membership.

  2. The principal will notify committee members of their appointments.

  1. The principal (or principal’s designee) will provide an additional, well-publicized opportunity to sign up for committees for both new staff and all parents.  

  2. The council will make appointments from those additional August sign-ups and set up a timeline for regular committee reports to the council for the coming school year.

  3. As soon as possible following the August council meeting, the principal will call a faculty meeting for the purpose of letting all committees hold their first meeting.  At that meeting all committees will:

  • Elect a chair.  They will also elect or appoint a recorder who will take minutes for this first meeting and all subsequent meetings and a vice-chair who will take over in the absence of the chair.

  • Receive information from the principal about the council timeline for regular committee reports.

  • Set up a meeting schedule for the rest of the year.  

  • Read and discuss this policy and ask the Chair of the council any questions regarding their role and duties.

  • If necessary, discuss the active recruitment of parents and community members to serve on their committee.

  • Discuss ongoing and any new charges from the council and develop a plan of action that includes a timeline.


As needed, the council may also approve ad hoc committees for the following tasks:

  1. Analyze needs assessment for the School Improvement Plan.

  2. Draft components for and guide the implementation of the Plan.

  3. Select textbooks and materials for specific subjects.

  4. Participate in work to fill specific staff vacancies.

  5. Address other needs as identified by the council.

For these ad hoc committees, the council will identify the specific topic to be addressed in a written charge.  

The principal will invite persons to serve on the ad hoc committee and will also designate a committee member to convene the committee for its first meeting.

Ad hoc committees automatically dissolve at the completion of the assigned task.


All committees established by the SBDM council are public agencies subject to Kentucky’s Open Meetings Law.  To comply with that law, each committee will:

  1. Establish a regular meeting schedule at its first meeting of each school year and make that schedule available to the public by posting it in a place convenient to the public.

  2. Hold meetings that are not on the regular schedule only after following these special meeting procedures:

  1. The committee chair or a majority of members decide the date, time, place, and agenda.

  2. Those who make the decision to have the meeting put the date, time, place, and agenda in a written notice, which they will post in a place convenient to the public at least 24 hours before the meeting.

  3. Notice of a special meeting will be hand-delivered, faxed, or sent by US mail to all members of the committee early enough so that they will receive it 24 hours before the meeting.  Neither e-mail nor the telephone can be used to deliver these notices.   

  4. If any media organization has asked for notice of special meetings, those calling the meeting will hand-deliver, fax, or send by US mail copies of the written notice to the agency requesting the notice so that they will receive it 24 hours before the meeting.  Neither e-mail nor the telephone can be used to deliver these notices.

  1. Take minutes of the actions and decisions made by the committee at every meeting.

  2. Review the minutes of each meeting at the next meeting and, after making any needed corrections, approve those minutes.

  3. Make committee minutes for each meeting available to the council and to any interested party after final approval.

  4. Ensure that the principal receives an official copy to be kept with school records as required by Kentucky’s Archive rules.


We will evaluate the effectiveness of this policy through our School Improvement Planning Process.

Date Adopted:  _____

Date Reviewed or Revised:  _____   Council Chairperson’s Initials _____ 

Date Reviewed or Revised:  _____   Council Chairperson’s Initials _____ 

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