School Space Use Policy

School Space Use Policy

Criteria for assigning school space
The principal will assign the use of school space during the school day in a manner that will:
  1. Take each student’s developmental needs into account.
  2. Facilitate the implementation of our School Improvement Plan.
  3. Maximize staff opportunities for sharing resources, mentoring, and collaborating with teachers and students of similar grade levels, subject areas, or collaborative groups for consecutive years.

Classroom Space Assignments
To assign classroom space, the principal will:
1.    Upon receiving HCS staff allotments, invite all returning staff members to indicate their preference for continuing or changing classroom space assignments the next year.
2.    In April, meet with any staff members whose requests may be difficult to grant to discuss reasons for the staff member’s interest, factors making it difficult to grant the requests, and possible solutions.
3.    In May, assign classroom space based on the criteria in the first section of this policy and notify all staff members of their individual assignments.
4.    In August, notify the council of how classroom space has been assigned.

Altering classroom Space assignments
After assigning classroom space, the principal may alter those assignments:
1.    When necessary to respond to unanticipated enrollment or staffing changes.
2.    When the principal and affected teachers agree that a change is needed.
3.    When the council changes other policies or the School Improvement Plan and recognizes in the minutes that those changes may require space use changes that cannot be put off until the next school year.

Assignments of non-Classroom space
For non-classroom space, the principal will make decisions based on the criteria in the first section of this policy after consulting with staff members who work or will work in any space affected by change from existing arrangements.


We will evaluate the effectiveness of this policy through our School Improvement Planning Process.

Date Adopted:  March 2012

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